3 Benefits of Exercise You Might Not Know

When people think of exercise, many people only think of great looking body and cardiovascular health. This is not all! Here are the 3 benefits of exercise you might not know.

3 Benefits of Exercise You Might Not Know

When people think of exercise, the first thought that comes into their minds is a toned body or cardiovascular health. And there is nothing wrong about it. These are two major benefits of exercise. However, they are not the only, or even the most important, benefits. Following are the three benefits of exercise you might not know.

Anxiety and Depression

Exercise is a basic need of the body, like food and vitamins. Doing regular exercise helps you control your anxiety and depression. In fact, diminishing physical activity in our modern lifestyle can be attributed to an increase in anxiety and depression in our society. Regular exercise should be an important part of any anxiety treatment regimen. In most cases, it is even more important and effective that medication. However, if someone’s anxiety and depression have reached medically critical levels, he or she should seek immediate medical attention.Anxiety and Depression

Strong Bones

Exercise is for muscles, right! No, it is completely wrong. Exercise is even more important for bones. But not all kinds of exercises have equal benefit for bones. Exercises that involve weights have a greater impact of strengthening bones and increasing bone mass. In the second place, there are high-intensity exercises like sprinting. Sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise are major causes of brittle bone, and this problem becomes even more grave in the older age. Diet and supplements have very limited effects when used without exercise. However, diet and supplements can work wonders when used with the right exercise routine.

Strong Bones

Skin, Hair, and Everything Else

Exercise has a positive impact on every organ of your body. In not only improves your lungs and heart but also your skin, hair, nail and every part of the body you can imagine. Not to mention that it has a major effect on your sexual health.

You do not need to be a gym freak to reap the benefits of exercise. Do whatever you can, and remember that doing something is better than doing nothing at all.


Alina Smith is a health blog author with an interest in the intersection of wellness and mental health. She's worked as a writer, editor, and communications specialist for various healthcare organizations. Alina has also led projects to improve access to care for underserved populations in both rural and urban settings.